Monday, September 19, 2011

Two Things...

So, whew. This has been a really busy last few days, but damn, I have been productive! 2 papers knocked out, 90% of my reading, several errands/non-school tasks accomplished... I've done stuff that I have been meaning to do for months! I'm feeling motivated for some reason, so why shouldn't my blogging life also benefit?

Anyway, within all of this good cheer for motivation and productivity, there are two things that need to be voiced. First of all, on Sunday afternoon, I was having lunch with a good friend of mine after church and we were sitting outside talking about various church things: the sermon, a class he is taking on adaptive church leadership, UCC issues, upcoming worship services, etc. Well as we are having a lovely conversation, the table behind us decided they want to join in. More the merrier is what I say... usually. This young lady decided that as she left, she would share a bit of her wisdom with us. As my friend commented that he would be needing to come up with a sermon for next week, she (rudely) added "So when you preach next week will you be preaching about Jesus or this other church bullshit".... I was stunned. I had no frame of reference as to who this person was, and I found out later that neither did my friend. He responded by continuing on in our conversation, more or less ignoring her comment. But I was certainly confused. Was she frustrated by our talk about church before? Was there some ideological difference she had? Was she concerned my friend was unaware of the general content that goes into a Christian sermon? Anyway, I was left with lots of questions, and not really sure what to say. So, to that young lady, your comment failed to get across your point. I would love to hear your ideas, but you have to ask politely to join in the conversation first and leave time for follow-up questions. That's just common courtesy.

Second, I am offended by people that take more that 45 seconds at the Taco Bell drive-thru. Granted, sometimes it is not under your control. You may be waiting for the staff to serve you. You may have unruly friends that special order and are indecisive. I get that. But seriously. You went to Taco Bell for a reason. They have food you enjoy. You chose the drive-thru because you feel comfortable enough with the menu to continue to use your gas while you are deciding on your food. I would assume this means you are fairly confident that this will not take very long, or you have too much money and love spending it on gas... Either way, the point is is that you should really not be doing too much starry-eyed gazing at the TB menu when you are on drive-thru time. Yes, the menu looks lovely with all the choices illuminated in front of glowing florescent light and bug carcasses sitting in between the menu and the plastic protective shields, I understand, I feel the same way. But have some respect for me as the driver behind you. I'm hungry, and I have limited money/time: I'm ordering exclusively off the dollar menu and I hate wasting gas while idling... So I promise I will never ever take more than 45 seconds to order, if you promise to keep your special-ordering friends out of the drive-thru lane and to never, ever get in line without at least an outline of your potential TB meal.

I know I said two things, but breaking news... I just killed a HUGE cockroach/beetle thing in my bathroom... seriously, it was pushing 3 inches long... GROSS! Ugh. Where do these things come from? All by themselves? I'm... I'm just not sure how well I'm going to sleep... but I must. OK, thanks and goodnight!

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