Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hip Hop Revitalization

Hey hey.

Welcome to November. Just kicking off the month with you all out there, and it is a beautiful fall this week. Got out to the driving range. That was lovely. I couldn't seem to hit the ball straight, but it was nice to get some exercise and fresh air (yes, you do get exercise playing golf... try hitting a bucket of golf balls and not feeling sore in your abdominal muscles).

Recently, I've been getting back into listening to a lot of hip hop, sort of wading through all of the up-and-comings on my iTunes Podcasts... I've got about four CDs that I really want to get right now, and I wish that I had the money to get them all. For those of you out there who don't know, one of the best places for some good hip hop is actually north of the border. Halifax and other Nova Scotian cities have great hip hop scenes that have produced the likes of Buck 65, Sixtoo, Classified, and my newest favorite SJ the Wordburglar. Awesome, right? Anyway, I just got a few DVDs of Scribble Jam, this yearly hip hop festival that features all elements of hip hop (emcees, DJs, graff writers, B-boys/girls, etc.), so I'm really excited for those, too.

And to top it all off, there is going to be a hip hop class offered in the spring and I am SO taking it. I've actually been talking with the professor of it a bit, and we have sort of kicked back and forth some ideas about readings and artists that we like. It's made me really excited. So basically all I want to do all day is listen to hip hop, watch hockey, and of course, update my blog!!

I think this may have come up before, but I love hip hop. I hope to come back when I'm not exhausted and write about my life for hip hop, as well as comic books... two things that really are meaningful to me beyond their surface coolness.

OK, bed time. Sleep well and enjoy the lovely weather!

1 comment:

  1. This weather is so gorgeous! When it's nice out, I miss you even more because I want to go out on walks together!

    Could you get me the titles and the names of those CD's? Maybe for birthday presents? ;)
