Monday, January 18, 2010

Back at School!

Well, the journey was successful.

I'm back at Drury University for my last semester of my undergraduate career. The day started off great with a hearty breakfast at Denny's with mother and father, followed by packing up the car (and of course I forgot to pack my belt! I always forget something silly), a nice drive West on Interstate 44, and then arriving back at my house on campus.

Lots of good food today. Nic, Valerie, and I dined at a place called "Grad School," where nearly half of the choices are vegetarian and most of it is made from scratch at the restaurant! That was great, then we ate tonight at an Italian place called Nonna's for Dalston's birthday. Both new places to eat, both very tasty.

It was nice to see everyone tonight. We all got together and laughed a lot. It's great when everyone comes back together that first time. Those are the times when everything is the most exciting and energized. Every story gets a laugh, and there are plenty of the things we forgot about each other that we missed.

I'm not particularly looking forward to the rest of the week, mostly because I have to actually be serious and get some things accomplished (i.e. get textbooks, complete seminary applications, Mirror article, and brainstorm topic for political science project). But I am really looking forward to getting a rhythm going and enjoying my time. Anyway, I need to sleep/read my graphic novel interpretation of the history of the United States Constitution. Awesome.

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