Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mostly because I'm bored...

So, this week has been a surprising mix of boredom and stress.

I have a huge literature review due on Friday. Luckily I have gotten to start and I'm roughly 6 pages in. It needs to be at least 20. But I also have most of Wednesday and all of Thursday to hit is hard. So no worries. For tonight, I prepared a thesis/methodological statement for my research paper in Early Islamic Art/Arch. My only beef with this is that we were supposed to print out a copy of it for every member of the class. So I am going to get a copy of all 17 members of my classes thesis? With all due respect, I'm just not that interested. I'm sure it could be riveting and inspire lots of deep conversation, but I just don't think so. And tomorrow I'm supposed to go to the the science lab and mix up some buffer solutions, glucose, and cacao for my Diabetes research project... Again, really not looking forward to it, but it could be worse. Amidst all these projects, I am also getting ready for a research paper for my hip hop class, and sort of determining my future by choosing my M. Div. school (I should hear from CTS on Friday). But despite all of these projects going on, I am amazed at how bored I still am in between venues. I really need to start bringing my pleasure reading books along with me every day...

Speaking of which, I'm on track for 12 books this year; I just finished Jonathan Safran Foer's "Eating Animals". Anyone who is considering being a vegetarian or completely oblivious to the CFO or factory farming industry that produced nearly all of our meat should read this book. It was highly informative and persuasive. After reading it, I'm glad that I have already started the path of becoming a meat-free eater. But now I'm not really all that sure about eating eggs. But anyway, everyone who eats (that means you) should read this book, and make a conscious decision to think about what you eat and what is it worth to you.

Oh on a final note, US hockey did me proud in the finals against Canada. I know it's old news now, but I was proud of the effort that our team, especially Ryan Miller put up on Sunday. We kept it competitive and hopefully brought some well-deserved respect to the US Hockey program. We will certainly get you next year, Canada. And, obviously, go Blues! First game back tonight. Hopefully we can kick it into high gear and nab a playoff spot.


  1. I don't think I want to read that book. I like eating chicken too much.

    I hear you find out about the seminary in Chicago today! Let me know how it turns out! Ee!

  2. Oh wow, with chicken? You definitely need to read that book. I thought that's what was holding me back... not anymore... ;)

    I will let you know as soon as I know!!
