Monday, August 24, 2009

The New Year Begins!!

And we are off to a great start! What a productive first two days at Drury.

Sunday started off great with a nice church service at home, successful packing of my car, and a solid drive down to Springfield. Moved in, got situated, had a great Target run, and I got to see lots of my friends. Couldn't be happier about all of that. The new house that I am living in this year has got some character to it, but man, it is really nice and fun to be here. There is so much space, and a lot of possibility for wild antics and shenanigans!

But anyway, today I had to give a bit of a testimonial to the freshman class before they entered into their service-learning activity for the day. I was calm, cool, collected, and I think I actually said most of the things that I really wanted to say. I think it's because I'm really excited about civic engagement and I really believed my message, so I could talk from the heart. It was empowering, no doubt. So that was successful, then I went to get my check from my civic engagement conference and that wasn't there, but I got a very helpful lady in the business office to help, so technically a strike but no one ever got out from just one strike. Then I took my transcript nightmare to the registrar and my new best friend in Bay Hall helped me hook it all up. Finally I will have my class from two summers ago credited to my account. Yes! And to top it off, we had a great lunch at South Avenue Pizza were the pizza buffet was only $8.00 (a competitive deal when you include drink and a full salad bar) followed by a short but helpful meeting with the Mirror staff for this year.

I am really excited for this year. I want to be active and engaged in student life, and I want to try to produce some really quality work that I am proud of. I have been doing that so far, but this year I want to take a lot of time and effort and make this my own personal capstone.

But anyway, nothing in the news has really struck my fancy lately. I'm sure it will. I have my access to free New York Times daily, so I will try to reflect on at least one news story every week. I also just finished a book about narcotics, the CIA, and Central America that I would like to talk about. I'll try and do that this week.

Well, awesomeness. I have to go get read for my Phi Alpha Theta activity for tomorrow. But yes, let's rock and roll.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I think you're a little's on the New Year yet! Wait for January 1 :) Second, Cici's can beat that 8 dollar price, and, third, maybe you should talk about how civilians might be able to go to space soon!
