Thursday, August 27, 2009


So being a journalist is tough work. I just got a small taste today. I have been working on three stories right now, all of which involve several sources and a fair amount of research. I tried to get building permit records, contact city officials, set-up interviews for stories, develop story angles, have meetings, track down company contact information, and develop interview questions... Needless to say it was exciting, but very confusing and stressful. I just want to get it all squared away before the week ends.

Anyway, I wanted to make a brief comment on the Michael Vick situation. I have heard lots of perspectives on the matter, and frankly, I think a lot of the hostility towards Vick is understandable. What Vick did was at least upsetting and at worse disgusting. However, we have established a system of justice that is based on the idea of second chances. He was given a sentence, he served that sentence, and now he is free. Was it adequete? Did he get off easier because he was famous? Maybe, but a jury of his peers determined along with the state what his sentence would be and that's done. So theoretically, he gets a clean slate, with some reservations (I think dog-fighting is a felony? Maybe)... I'm also a big fan of forgiveness. He made some mistakes. Everyone gets a chance to make mistakes. Granted, his mistake was a lot worse than lying about breaking your Mom's favorite vase, but he still deserves a second chance. So to be disgusted that the Eagles would sign a convicted dog-abuser is to deny that humans deserve compassion and forgiveness, and that people have the ability to repent and change their ways. Perhaps I'm being far too idealistic and sticking up for the wrong guy, but I feel like we all have a moral obligation to believe that anyone can become a better person.

I could write more about that, but I need to get back to working and calling my wonderful girlfriend, who I am missing very much :( But I realized how soon I will get to see her, and that makes me oh so very happy!

Anyway, tomorrow is FRIDAY! Yeah.

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